How to Create a Budget?

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  1. Good on you for writing about this topic and trying to raise the awareness of the money management and personal finance, especially in Latvia as the education in this field was poor to say the least.
    I agree with you on a lot of things and points raised, however I personally have found that multi tasking rarely works in various areas of our lives (especially for us men), so to have any meaningful success with money and budgets once the categories have been set the primary goal is to eliminate any kind of consumer debt and sort out financial cushion, after that it is much easier to focus on savings, investments, spending and giving.
    These are some great authors and academics you have referenced, but among the people you mentioned Dave Ramsey “baby step method” has been used to help more then 4.5 million people and proven to work ( because the magic sauce is the old school common sense and aggressive systematic focus on one task at the time).
    Anyway, keep putting out content, and hopefully you get a lot of people you can help too. Sincerely, Ed.

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